
Wednesday, 29 June 2011


Yoga is the word which balance your body and mind. Present life of each person covers with full of stress and tension. Yoga teaches everything in your life. Yoga gives you to live life in relax way. 

Yoga is defined in various ways by different people in the world. But in simple word Yoga means physical synchronization. Yoga is very useful to remove any type of disease permanently. Yoga is equability of mind in failure and success, carefulness in work, remove completely pain etc. 

You can do yoga after younger age. Special yoga classes are available in various cities also. You can join yoga class and keep you healthy at any time.

Various types of Yoga:
1. Abhava Yoga
2. Adhyatma Yoga 
3. Agni Yoga 
4. Ashtanga Yoga 
5. Asparsha Yoga
6. Bhakti Yoga
7. Buddhi Yoga
8. Dhyana Yoga
9. Ghatastha Yoga
10.Guru Yoga
11.Hatha Yoga
12.Japa Yoga 
13.Jnana Yoga 
14.Karma Yoga 
15.Kaula Yoga 
16.Kundalini Yoga 
17.Lambika Yoga 
18.Laya Yoga  
19.Maha Yoga 
20.Mantra Yoga
21.Nada Yoga 
22.Pancadashanga Yoga
23.Pashupata Yoga
24.Raja Yoga
25.Samadhi Yoga 
26.Samkhya Yoga 
27.Sanyasa Yoga 
28.Samputa Yoga
29.Samrambha Yoga
30.Saptanga Yoga 
31.Shadanga Yoga 
32.Siddha Yoga
33.Sivanda Yoga
34.Sparsha Yoga
35.Tantra Yoga
36.Taraka Yoga 
37.Vini Yoga
38.Yantra Yoga

Benefits from Yoga:
1. To increase flexibility and life style.
2. To reduce stress and tension in your life.
3. To keep you healthy at any time.
4. To create blood circulation in various parts of body easily.
5. Useful at the time of pregnancy period to get healthy child.
6. Increase your energy and decrease your pain.
7. To maintain your blood pressure level.

8. To increase your memory power.
9. To build good body awareness and good co-ordination for kinds.
10.To maintain your weight control if you do daily yoga exercise.

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