
Wednesday, 29 June 2011


Vitamins play a vital role in each of the life. Vitamins are most important part for any body. Vitamins are useful to reduce any types of disease. Various types of vitamins available from various fruits and vegetables.

There are various names available in vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Vitamin K. Each of vitamin has some special benefits. There are special vitamins available for special type of diseases also.

If you use particular vitamin for particular disease, you can reduce that disease within short period of time. Now we can see benefits from various vitamins.

Vitamin A:
Vitamin A is good for good eye sight. If you eye sight is low then use this vitamin. Your eye sight may increase from this vitamin easily. This vitamin is also good for you to maintain good skin. You can get vitamin A from milk, carrots,  tomato, peach, cheese, kale, butter etc.

Benefits - Vitamin A:
1. It is good to fight against various types of infection in the body.
2. To maintain smooth skin.
3. To reduce certain types of cancers also.
4. Your eye sight may increase to use of this vitamin.
5. This vitamin maintains good teeth and bones also.

Vitamins B:
Vitamin B is also played a vital role like other vitamins in the body. If you take this vitamin in a proper way , you will live long and healthy life. You can get vitamin B from various types of dairy products such as milk, cheese etc. and also some fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, potatoes etc. Vitamin B includes following  sub vitamins:

1. Vitamin B1  which is known as Thiamin.
2. Vitamin B2  which is known as Riboflavin.
3. Vitamin B3 which is known as Niacin.
4. Vitamin B5 which is known as Pantothenic Acid.
5. Vitamin B6 which is known as Pyridoxine.
6. Vitamin B7 which is known as Biotin.
7. Vitamin B9 which is known as Folic Acid.
8. Vitamin B12 which is known as Cyanocobalamin.

Benefits - Vitamin B:
1. To increase the rate of metabolism.
2. Vitamin B is very much helpful to maintain Skin
3. From use of this vitamin your blood circulation becomes very easy.
4. To keep your health and hail smooth, use this vitamin.
5. Vitamin B increase your energy power.
6. Helpful to reduce heart disease also.

Vitamin C:
Like vitamin A and B, Vitamin C is also essential part to maintain our body. You can get vitamin C from fresh fruits and vegetables easily. From some of  fruits like banana, grapes, orange, peaches , pineapple  etc. you will get maximum vitamin C. You will get vitamin C from milk, lemon, kale,  onion, peas,  carrot, cauliflower , beans,  garlic, potato, red pepper, cabbage etc.

Benefits - Vitamin C:

1. To maintain blood, muscle and bone this vitamin is very much essential.
2. Vitamin C protects from various types of infection as well as viruses.
3. For proper blood circulation, vitamin C is good for you.
4. This vitamin is good to avoid cataracts.
5. Take daily vitamin C if you want to maintain your skin.

Vitamin D:
This vitamin is also important to live a good life. Direct sunlight is the best way to get direct vitamin D. At least 10 to 15 minutes you stand exactly form the sun in the morning to get maximum this vitamin. Vitamin D is available from milk, butter, cheese, bread, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables etc. Vitamin D2 ans Vitamin D3 are also more important like Vitamin D. Both plays vital role in our body also.

Benefits - Vitamin D:
1. It helps for strong teeth as well as bones also.
2. Vitamin D maintains your heart good.
3. It is also useful to maintain your blood pressure.
4. Protect against heart attack as well as stroke also.
5. Your mental stress will automatically decrease if you use vitamin D in a proper way.

Vitamin E:
Vitamin E is essential to prevent hearth diseases. You can get easily vitamin E from bread, cereals, wheat, apricots, peaches, carrot, pumpkin, olive, tomato, papaya, sunflower,  etc.

Benefits - Vitamin E:
1.Vitamin E is necessary for proper blood circulation.
2. It is helpful to reduce wrinkles at the time of old age.
3. For skin protection Vitamin E is good.
4. To avoid cancer, use vitamin E.
5. Vitamin E prevents diabetes, hair loss and infertility.

Vitamin K:
Vitamin K plays important role in blood clotting. Vitamin K is available from apple, beans, carrot, cabbage, cauliflower, milk, spinach, peas, orange etc.  Mainly three forms available of vitamin K. First one is Vitamin K1 which is known as phylloquinone, vitamin K2 which is known as menaquione and vitamin K3 which is known as menadione. K1 and K3 are available in tablets also.

Benefits - Vitamin K:
1. To fight against cancer, this vitamin plays vital role.
2. If you give vitamin K to new born, it reduce the risk of  internal bleeding.
3. This vitamin prevent hearth disease.
4. Vitamin K is is good for improvement of bone health.
5. To protect against some types of cancer also.


Yoga is the word which balance your body and mind. Present life of each person covers with full of stress and tension. Yoga teaches everything in your life. Yoga gives you to live life in relax way. 

Yoga is defined in various ways by different people in the world. But in simple word Yoga means physical synchronization. Yoga is very useful to remove any type of disease permanently. Yoga is equability of mind in failure and success, carefulness in work, remove completely pain etc. 

You can do yoga after younger age. Special yoga classes are available in various cities also. You can join yoga class and keep you healthy at any time.

Various types of Yoga:
1. Abhava Yoga
2. Adhyatma Yoga 
3. Agni Yoga 
4. Ashtanga Yoga 
5. Asparsha Yoga
6. Bhakti Yoga
7. Buddhi Yoga
8. Dhyana Yoga
9. Ghatastha Yoga
10.Guru Yoga
11.Hatha Yoga
12.Japa Yoga 
13.Jnana Yoga 
14.Karma Yoga 
15.Kaula Yoga 
16.Kundalini Yoga 
17.Lambika Yoga 
18.Laya Yoga  
19.Maha Yoga 
20.Mantra Yoga
21.Nada Yoga 
22.Pancadashanga Yoga
23.Pashupata Yoga
24.Raja Yoga
25.Samadhi Yoga 
26.Samkhya Yoga 
27.Sanyasa Yoga 
28.Samputa Yoga
29.Samrambha Yoga
30.Saptanga Yoga 
31.Shadanga Yoga 
32.Siddha Yoga
33.Sivanda Yoga
34.Sparsha Yoga
35.Tantra Yoga
36.Taraka Yoga 
37.Vini Yoga
38.Yantra Yoga

Benefits from Yoga:
1. To increase flexibility and life style.
2. To reduce stress and tension in your life.
3. To keep you healthy at any time.
4. To create blood circulation in various parts of body easily.
5. Useful at the time of pregnancy period to get healthy child.
6. Increase your energy and decrease your pain.
7. To maintain your blood pressure level.

8. To increase your memory power.
9. To build good body awareness and good co-ordination for kinds.
10.To maintain your weight control if you do daily yoga exercise.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Health Tips

Health is very important part in our life. Everyone wants to live healthy life but the question is that how to live healthy life? The answer is that everyone must do some good exercises which make your body perfect fit. There are various ways of exercises available now a days. Some people want to join yoga classes, some people want to join good health club and some people go for a daily walk in the morning for at least half an hour. All these are examples of good health. You can choose any one from it.

Second thing is most important to become good health is food. Which type of food you take in the breakfast, lunch time and even dinner time also is most important. You must take those foods which gives you certain types of vitamins and protein which is necessary for your body. One important thing is to avoid certain types of medicines which create reaction to your body. Take some good ayurvedic medicines which keeps your health perfect fit because ayurvedic medicine has no side effect. To check your complete body in a good laboratory for certain period of time. To maintain good health, you need to do following things:
1. To eat fresh fruits and also fresh vegetables in daily meal.
2. To walk at least half an hour in a day.
3. To read health book which give you some good tips for health.
4. Yoga is also best one exercise to make good body.
5. Try to reduce stress in your daily life style.
6. To laugh with your friends and family members in day to day activities.
7. To become accurate in your routine work.
8. Try to hear some good news which improve your mind.
9. To keep clean the place where you work.
10.To sleep early in the night and get up early in the morning.